dinsdag 20 juli 2010

Paus Benedictus XVI in gevaar in Engeland?

Een lid van het Britse parlement, MP Khalid Mahmood vreest voor geweld bij de openluchtmis van de Paus in Engeland en vraagt de overheid om erg voorzichtig te zijn. Dit omdat een islamitische publicatie, The Islamic Standard, moslims heeft opgeroepen om naar die mis te gaan om katholieken te bekeren en ‘om de Paus in duidelijke termen te zeggen wat moslims vinden van zijn kwade kwaadsprekerij over de laatste Profeet van God en diens boodschap’.

Mahmood, die MP, zegt in Engelse kranten: "Deze zogenaamde moslims doen alles wat ze kunnen om geweld uit te lokken." The Islamic Standard schrijft:
A change of venue gives Birmingham Muslims a chance to tell the Pope just what they think of him after his insults against the Prophet Muhammad. As well as this chance to challenge these evil words of this evil Pope, over 80,000 Catholics from all over the UK are also expected to attend the open air ceremony..We hope Muslims can be there to meet him as well and to also call people away from the shirk of worshipping the dead like the Catholics do, calling out to them for help and intercession.The Birmingham event however brings the pope and who worship him into direct contact with the the large Muslim population of Birmingham and offers them the perfect chance to learn about Islam and for the Muslims to forbid the Munkar of worshipping dead men and following the dictates of the sodomite child molesting Church of Rome.

We at the Islamic Standard hope the Muslims of Birmingham take this duel opportunity to give Da'wah to these 80,000 travelling disbelievers, whilst at the same time telling the Pope in no uncertain terms what Muslims think of his evil slanders against the last Prophet of God and his message.

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